When it comes to anime, a first-year high school student Midori ASAKUSA is all about its setting. While ASAKUSA’s ideas pile up on the pages of her sketchbooks, she is unable to take a first step to actually producing anime. Her talent is noticed by fellow first year and a natural-born producer type; KANAMORI. Together with an aspiring animator and charismatic amateur model MIZUSAKI, the three of them put their wits together to realize their “Incredible World” together by forming “Eizouken”!

Award Winning animation studio Science SARU and Masaaki YUASA are not keeping their hands off Sumito Oowara’s debut manga serialized in Monthly BIG COMIC SPIRITS! Star-studded creators such as character designer Naoyuki ASANO and music composer OORUTAICHI have assembled to support creating the “Incredible World” to reality! As the world watches in awe, the three ambitious girls’ adventure begin!!!